Letterpress & Bindery Auction
- Apr 30 @ 6:00pm EDT (Start)
- May 26 @ 6:00pm EDT (End)
Letterpress & Bindery Auction Bindery Tools Warehouse clen out Auction !
Letterpress & Bindery Auction
- Mar 9 @ 6:00pm EST (Start)
- Mar 22 @ 6:00pm EDT (End)
Letterpress & Bindery Auction With the following items High speed Quoins , rule use , metal furniture , lead furniture , ink , numbering units perforating rule , Job sticks , printers blocks , brass shims , copper shims , wooden furniture , gauge pins , double grip gauges , printing blocks , die cutting material , designed borders , Quads & spacers , lead strips , Type , Wood Type , tampon paper , lead cutter , Slug clipper , benzene can , type rule , scrap lead , spacers & shims , honey comb pins , misc. catalogs , misc. paper , C&P Manual , Printers Supply catalog , Wood type , chases , color chart , misc tool lot ,ink cabinet , Composing table , type cabinet , C&P Letterpress , Guillotine , vintage wooden crates , milk crates , vintage wire mike crate , Arming Presses , Rubber Die Presses , casting press , lead thermometer , hole punch , machine name plates , cast iron Turtle , foil cutter , OS fly wheels , Golding No. 7 parts overseer & Smyth parts , casters , C&P motor mounts , 15k Gold , banding tools , misc. pulleys , metal top shear back gauge , book clamp , blank sports certificates , lead dipper , lying press , fountain solution , Heat press , Mono Tabular Rule , tarp , brass chase , propane tanks , bike parts , type transfer case , gluer , foil , rolls of paper , cordless drills , buffer , cordless chain saw , power inverter , cordless drills & chargers , release cote , glue , litho stone , marble , chain , wooden & metal work benches , cabinet sand blaster , honey comb , ink disk’s , letterpress parts , new ink brayers , ashtray / trash can , battery charger , spouting parts , & more. From the following manufacturers Challenge , Hamilton , Flint , H.B. Rouse , Kelsey , Golding , Wickersham , Gaebel , C&P , Pantone , St. Lawerence Reading PA. , Seybold , Chase Beck Paper Co. LTD. , J.F.W. Dorman Co. , Southworth , Oversewer , Smyth , M. Swift & sons , A.G. Burtons , Latham Co. Milwaukee , Potdevin , Bernzomatic , Black & Decker , Makita , Endurance , Snap-On , Skat Blaster , Golding Pearl , American , Wesel , Craftsman , Rubbermaid , Sears , & more.
Life Long Collection of Rich & Liz Brandt Auction #3
- Jan 18 @ 8:00am EST (Start)
- Jan 27 @ 6:15pm EST (End)
Life Long Collection of Rich & Liz Brandt Auction #3 Tools & more Tools Online Only ! Auction Preview & pick up is behind House at Shop drive past house 150 yrs to shop see Parking signs ! Inspection Date is Jan 26th 4:30PM to 7:30PM or by appointment 717-628-5243 pick up Dates Are Fryday Jan. 28th 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM & Saturday Dec. 29th 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM & Monday Jan 31st 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM or by appointment ! Includes the following items. Fish nets , tarps , boot scraper , dollies , Battery Chargers , air tanks , 300 ft tape , spot light , seeder , sanders , socket sets , transformer , , sledge hammers , measuring wheel , hot glue gun , drill doctor , splitting maul , creeper , ear muffs , squeegees , new rubber wheels ,tool boxes , multi tool , tile cutter , chicken catcher , shovel , polisher , cordless saw , air novels , air compressor , digital air gauge , air hose real , crow bars , chisels , vice grips , hammers , air impact , air drills , air chisels , air grinder , air sander , air ratchet , bolt cutters , oil wrenches , air tin nibbler , wheel pullers , wire strippers , large adjustable wrenches , pipe cutter , magnetic bowls , larger pic pipe cutter , wiring fish , 100 ft tape , multi tools , misc. tools , open end wrenches , vintage wooden levels , drill & driver bits allen wrenches , air chucks & accessories , voltage meter , various squares , drywall tee square , 2 stoke oil , chain saw , awls & hole punches , tool bags , files , chisels , tool boxes , battery testers , air hoses , radial arm saw , band saw , metal shelving , pick-up truck crane , drill press , little giant step ladder , aluminum extension plank , table saw , bench grinders , wet & dry vac , step ladders , flat sewer rod , floor jack , tire chocks , bench vice , magnetic tool holders , smh emblems , drywall roll lifter , A frame trailer hitch , tractor upper arm linkage , trailer hitch with sway bars , hoof rasps , track wall rails & tool hooks , metal adjustable stands , fire extinguishers , spackling tools , glue spreaders , block & concrete tools , nail puller , work bench , air nailers , brad nailers , hammer drill , spiral saw , buffer , router , solider gun , air stapler , cordless tools , portable belt sanders , chop saws , circular saw , router table , pry bars , transit , wood plains , pip wrenches , nut drivers , gate hinges , router bits , wood hole drill bits , hitch balls & hitch pins , hole saws , foldable square , flaring tools , pop riveters , vintage sign , brass hammer , lead hammers , rawhide mallets , rubber mallets , buffer , hatchets , vintage ice tong , tool bags , vintage cast iron match box , mis light bulbs , panel carrier , meat cleavers , vintage oil cans , anvil , vintage wooden parts cabinet & much more From the following makers , CarQuest , Sokkia Eslon , Brinkmann , Cyclone , Black & Decker , O-Ratchet , Lionel Train , Lindell , Drill Doctor , Craftsman , Western Safety , Husky , Workforce , Makita , MVP , Weld Reel , Vice Grip , Kobalt , Campbell Hausfeld , Devibliss Air Power Co. , Pittsburgh , Texas Tools Inc. , Silver Speedway , Komelon , Dunlap , Royal Oak Level , Dewalt , Stanley , Cen-tech , Hickok , A . Guistwite , Work Force , North Pole , Rubbermaid , Traveller , Delta , Little Giant , Wing , Timer , Wall Board , Gladiator , Cyclops , Porter Cable , Milwaukee , Rotozip , Bostitch , Weller , Alpha , Sunbeam , Skil , Dremel , Ryobi , Powr-kraft , Bailey , Fuller , Lennox , Ace , Empire , Oem , Echo , A M Brandt Sons Hdwe Inc. , Pela , Stanley , an much more
Bindery & Letterpress Auction
- Dec 23 @ 7:00am EST (Start)
- Jan 4 @ 6:15pm EST (End)
Bindery & Letterpress Auction Auction Preview & pick up Dates an Location Enter walk-in Door on Right facing Building from Rd Inspection Date & Time is Jan 03, 2022 04:30 PM to 7:30 PM or by appointment 717-628-5243 pick up Dates Are Jan 05, 2022 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM or by appointment ! Shipping will be available for this auction ! Items Included in Auction , Wire Stapler , Rubber Stamp Molding Presses , Book cloth , Book presses , Guillotine , Furniture Cabinets , Counter , Rolls of paper , Wood Type , Hand Lettering Type , Brass Edged Press Boards , Roll Paper Cutters , Vintage Wooden Cabinet , Printing Blocks , Type , Quarter Rule Case , Type Cases , Numbering Units , Copper Stamping Plates , Pica Sticks , Paper Sample catalogs , paper cutters , Arming Press , Letterpress , Wooden Type Cabinets , Metal Type Cabinets , oil drip pan , Heidelberg Windmill , table top letterpress , Flat Files , Fountain Solutions , Galley Cabinet , Quoins & Keys , Slug Cutters , Miter Cutters , Ludlow Composing Sticks , Plastic Type Trays , Reglet cabinet , New Type , Brass Rule Printers turtles , Furniture Rack with Furniture , Machinery Name Plates , Shoe Mold , Safety cans , Plastic safety can , Hammond Trim O Saw Parts , Perforator Parts , Wood Lathe Parts , Board Shear Pedal , Power-stat , Head Banding , Over-sewer Punches & Needles , Hot Stamper Parts , Smyth parts , National Parts , Letterpress trucks , Lead Cuts & Designs , Roller Cores , Letterpress Chases , Casters , Jack Stands , Paper Cutter Blades , Perforating Machine , Glue Machine , Metal Banding Tools , Linen Press , Lying Press , Backing hammers , Lead Scrap , upper & Lower Case Brackets , Prints , Brass Galley Tray , Linoleum Cuts , Card Stock , Paper , Hole Punches , Cutting mats , Zinc Plats , Matt Board , Spider Chase , Box Chases , Manual Rounder backer , Hydrolic Rounder Backer , Book Joint Creasing Machine , Wood Clamps , Brass Plate , Cast Iron Pot , Leather , Hot Stamp Foil , Wooden Backing Irons , Brass Alphabet Hand Lettering Sets , Brass Type , Spoke Shaves , Dividers , Wooden Band Stick , Glue Pot , Unbound Books , Books , Brass Hand Held Chase , Brass Hand Tools , Steel Designed Punches , Brass Decorative Wheel , 24K Gold Foil , 23K Leaf , Vintage Gold Boxes , 15K Gold foil , XX Gold Leaf , Aluminum Foil , Brass Embossing Plates , & much More. From the Following Manufacturers , National , Apex , Paragon , Hamilton , Redington , Senciple , The Ultra Force model , H.B. Rouse , Seabold Machine Co. , C&P , Heidleberg , Kelsey , Gordon , Kelsey Victory , Rouse , Golding , Ludlow , Hammond , Roebuck , American , John Jacques , Over-Sewer , Kingsly , Smyth , Martin & Yale , Golding , W.O. Hickok , Ingento , Thompson , National , Wickersham , F.P. Rosback , PIE , Rock City Machine Co. , Crown , M. Swift , Hastings , Kunz , General , Goodall , T.J.Edwards Fort Hill Eng Co , Coes , Arm & Hammer , Diamond , Leo Uhlfelder Co. , And Much More
Life Long Collection of Rich & Liz Brandt Auction #2
- Dec 16 @ 8:29am EST (Start)
- Dec 28 @ 6:15pm EST (End)
Life Long Collection of Rich & Liz Brandt Auction #2 Auction Preview & pick up is behind House at Shop drive past house 150 yrs to shop see Parking signs ! Inspection Date is Dec 27th 4:30PM to 7:30PM or by appointment 717-628-5243 pick up Dates Are Dec. 29th 8:30AM to 5:00PM & Dec. 30th 8:30AM to 5:00PM & Jan 1st 7:00AM to 10:00AM or by appointment ! Auction Includes , Dump Trucks , Pallet Racking , Horse Trailer , Mini Barn , Sleds , Signs , Sign holders , vintage Skies , Milk Cans , Adirondack chairs , Ringer Washer , Plow mount , Rims & Tires , Steel Rack , Children's chairs , Sliding Door Tracks , Book Shelving , Metal Folding chairs , Fan , Metal & Wooden Barrels , Canopy's , Inflatable Tubes , Power Light , Plywood Boat , Paddle Boats , Misc. Wood , & Plywood , Vintage Wooden Canoe , Aluminum Boat , Plastic Canoe , Dog House , Cement Blocks , Bricks , Paver Bricks , Glass Blocks , Garden Gazebo's , chairs , Rockers , Office chairs , Trash Cans , Back Stretcher , New Scooter , Golf Clubs , Furniture Dollies , Fuel Tanks , field Rack , Snow Plow , Dog Kennels , Rototiller , Bicycles , lots of children's Battery operated Yard Toys , Metal & PVC Conduit , Piping Lot , SS Fruit & Vegetable Prep Table , Vintage bag wagon , Radio/Record Player Combo , Computer desk , Vintage Sofa , Wing back chairs , Recliner , Dresser , extension table , file cabinet , Printer , Hitch rack , Shelving , Carts , Step Ladders , Area Rug , Restaurant tables , Water Meter , Toro Mower , Chip & Vac , Aluminum Ramps , Basketball Hoop , Horse Shoes , Pressure Washer , Tin Signs , Floor Jack , Paddles , Extension Cords , Cord Adapter , Wiring , Jump Pack , Wooden Garden Trellis , New Ceiling Tile , Lead for Pencil's , Antiques Clocks & Watches , Norman Rockwell Plate , The American farm family plates , Foldable wooden easel , Cats meow ornaments , Records , an much more. High Bids Win Auction LLC 190 Martin Rd Myerstown PA 17067 717-628-5243